Thursday, June 07, 2012

Breastfeeding taunt by Time magazine

Ever since I saw this cover of Time magazine I've been wanting to write about it. It's not that the cover affected me in any negative way. It's just that I now know what it takes to breastfeed. Before I had my own baby I had assumed that a baby knows, by instinct, how to feed. All you have to do is offer the food source, breast or bottle. How wrong I was I realized a few hours into motherhood. I did read up a li'l about breastfeeding and it's hurdles before delivering my li'l girl but was never really prepared for what came. Nothing surprising, but the most challenging so far in my life. Who knew that milk doesn't automatically flow out of you to satisfy your hungry baby? You have to work hard for it. For as long as you wish to feed baby breast milk. You CANNOT cheat once in a while coz you know the result could mean not enough milk for your baby. Ok, I'll do all that is needed so that I continue to produce milk for as long as it's needed. But my baby doesn't know how to latch on properly to get the best of what I produce. I am in a world of pain each time my baby latches-on. At times much worse than the labor pains. Now what?? And it is possible that things can go further down hill. Worse is that you can dry up or never produce enough for your baby. And there is nothing you can do to help the situation except formula feeding. So when I read the cover the only thought was "What of those mothers who tried their best and couldn't keep up with the challenges of breastfeeding?" Isn't this cover insulting their efforts? Deepening their pain of not being able to breastfeed their baby? And for the poor boy on the cover. Can't imagine what he may have to face once in school. Time could most certainly have done a job that was not this poor in taste.


Keerti said...

You know..I wanted to write about this...the cover is just to shock people into buying the magazine...a gimmick to increase circulation! But the 4 year old boy...poor kid will have a tough time in life overcoming this.

BF is not easy but it gets better as the child grows up:)


Seema said...

Yup yup, that was the reason for my delay in writing this. It'd have helped promote the magazine back then. Poor kid. And yea, if you're capable of feeding the child regular food then I see less and less need for breastfeeding at that age. It might be a couple of times a day at most. Why make that such a huge deal?