Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A poem - simple yet profound

This here is one of the poems that makes sense to me, though I do not completely agree with it.

there was once this two legged creature called He
He roamed ‘n hunted ‘lived
there was this similar two legged creature called she
She stayed behind and bred

this ‘ere He then made a dwelling
so He needn't roam
but came back each night to She
who bred and fed He, and made a home

this ‘ere He then learnt to sow
And he learned to trade
He learnt to build and travel
She learned to cook and stayed

this ‘ere He built a wheel
and this ‘ere He progressed
He made machines and developed
this ‘ere She wondered why She shouldn't do it too

So this ‘ere She peeked out of the house
and saw more She’s and He’s
And He remained not a novelty to her
This ‘ere She wanted to spread her wings

This ‘ere She stopped cooking, delayed breeding
While He wondered why there was no’ne home
this ‘ere She now wanted more
more than a He, home and food and little He’s and She’s

And She walked with He outside their dwelling
And She did what He did
Never realizing that she left behind
What She did best n where She fit

Now there was no one home
Now there was no one She could belong to
She had no one coming to her
And soon She had no one to go back to

And now this ‘ere She is sad
And She wonders where she lost it all
She wonders why the world and the machines and money
don't give her peace.. don't make her belong..

And so is He while he looks for She.

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