Friday, January 06, 2012

I disagree "3 Idiots"

Not all of the movie. It certainly has a very valid point that do not blindly follow all that you've been told. But frankly not every person is equally capable of understanding and grasping concepts. Also not every teacher/guide has the same intentions or the necessary patience for each and every student. So what do you do when you're not fortunately smart by yourself and neither privileged to have a wonderfully patient and dedicate guide in your life. You do not want this to hold you back. Worse, if the teacher insists that the answers you give are the same as he/she has taught you, verbatim. And this is usually very common when you're younger. Inadvertently the practice of learning answers by heart is inculcated in you. This may lead a few kids not to develop the habit of thinking for self and improvising. Also, not being encouraged to ask too many questions by the adults. Another set back in the childs growth. Some adults do that to save themselves from embarrassment of having to answer awkward questions or not knowing the answer either. I myself was a child who wouldn't ask many questions. I do not remember anyone making me not ask. I just did not feel comfortable asking questions. I still wonder why.
So in all saying that scoring marks isn't the ultimate goal is not the right message. Coz like it or not, the scale to measure your intelligence (and indirectly your worth) is through marks as a student and pay package as working adult. Why, there could be a movie made that says, do not go to a 9-7 job if you don't love it. Work not for money but for the joy. Now wouldn't that be kinda against "Work is Worship" which encourages you to like the job you have at hand?
I guess I have this very bad tendency to think against a topic and try to contradict. Even if I'm agreeing with something, I'm still thinking against it in the back of my mind to see if I can get a better perspective of the subject.

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