Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Count My Blessings?

I have a friend who's a li'l depressed lately. And she gives away this vibe that her life is kinda a failure just coz she couldn't find herself a life partner she could marry and lead the so called normal life. From her stand point, she's a disappointment for her parents. But what I see is that she's the most accomplished person at her home. She has better judgment than most of the people related to her by blood. She is well educated. She's fared better in life than her siblings younger and older. That in a way seems to have become a bane for her. Coz being accomplished has made it difficult for her father to find her a suitable match. Although she agrees with me when I say that it's really not a reason to lose heart, that being single is so not as bad as it seems, it's hard for her to accept it whole heartedly. For simply the society we live in sees me as a more accomplished person than her though she's been better than me at studies always, she makes more money than I do with almost the same experience, she also does better than me at work. And my major accomplishment is I happened to have got married. That one difference makes elders have a negative opinion about her. She is told that she's being adamant. That she thinks very high of herself. That she thinks she knows better. That she no longer has respect for elders. And I feel she's being misjudged coz she's an independent thinker. And I have a feeling that if she remains single for a few more years, most people will start seeing her as a women who drove away suitable matches coz of her being egotistic. She is being blamed for being in a position that most guys are appreciated for. All this makes me wonder if it was all worth her while, the excelling at studies, work etc? Even today does a woman's life really only revolve around being married and bearing children?


Rambler said...

sadly still seems to matter to people a lot.

On a different note.
At some point I have a feeling, we consider being in family life a big accomplishment. When we start out, our big conquest seems to be a job and carrier, money, fame etc.. at some point I think most of us stop, and then look back, now that we have all this, what next?. Thats when all the things big and small we have missed out seems to bother us

Keerti said...

Our Indian society is like that. Yes educated our daughters and expect then to have good paying stable jobs( which should be dropped when a marriage proposal comes from abroad) but at the same time we primarily want them married and then pregnant by end of the first year! I wish our society would see us first as individuals and human beings before seeing us as women.

Art said...

thats really sad... even now, one of my husband's friends is not married and any time she visits people, so when r u getting married?

I feel so bad, when people ask her such questions...