Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tribute to Snape

Note: If you wish to know the facts by reading the latest book then I suggest you read this no further.
But if you're keen on getting hints then hang on.

Yes, like many other Potter maniacs even I read the latest and the last book, The
Deathly Hallows. An awe-inspiring book, yet again. I'm not very happy with the ending though. For a moment it seemed as though Harry had to die. I mean, when you're made to realize that He is one of the Horcruxes and for Voldemort to be killed, He also must die, what more can you expect. And in my opinion, this would have been a befitting end.
I agree with what Voldemort states, in the final scene, that Harry has been surviving by sheer luck and with the help of others. He did face the Dark Lord but got lucky more than anything.

Snape, the man always seen in a black robe and well greased hair that curtains his face, when seen in a different wake, ain't all that Dark. He sided with the Dark lord. But turned his loyalty towards Dumbledore. And what has driven him to this unaltered loyalty towards Dumbledore?? His love for Lily Potter. He has been in love with Lily Evans ever since. And though Harry always reminded Snape of James, the man whom Snape could hate the most, Snape loved Lily's son. And he put his life at stake for the love of his life, though he never felt the love for himself. He's always been a neglected person. But unlike Voldemort, Snape turned out to be a better human, because he had sensed love.

I'd further like to add that Snape was a much smarter Wizard, as against the claims of Voldemort. As with most humans who have tasted immense power, even Voldemort grew over confident. Otherwise how could a wizard like Voldemort not realize that Snape is and was a spy of Dumbledore?? That was an act of bravery and of valour to pit against the most dreaded wizard ever. And he pulled it off brilliantly, even without Dumbledore. Hence, I wish to declare him a better wizard as compared to Dumbledore (or even Voldemort. Yes, I consider the man worth appreciation. I do condemn his acts, but never-the-less have regard for his dedication, determination and discipline with which Tom Riddle worked to get to be the most powerful of all wizards.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ouch, sorry to spot a nit but I think you mean Harry had to "die" not "tie"

As for the review, I am unable to arouse enough interest in a Hari Puttar series re. Why? Dunno!