Image courtesy b.sreeram@gmail.com
One Small Hole is enough
To sink a beautiful boat.
My two cents ...
This is one of those truths that people conveniently choose to ignore. All of us aware of it, we keep getting reminded that “Please mend the (loop) holes present in your life” yet we need to be reminded of the reminders. Some times it’s ego that handicaps you and at other times it is the circumstances. Whatever be the reason, it’s we who lose and crib about life being tough, complicated, unjust and what not. I strongly believe that you define your destiny, it is never predefined. Well… it may be but... it sure can be changed by the decisions you make, the ways you chose, the people you befriend.
Life is complicated :-)
You seem to be complicating life. It is as simple as it can be :)
Neel, I say Life is a Celebration!
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